May I Bring a Friend?

2:41 PM

Throughout the story, the King and Queen invites a little boy to their house to hang out. Each time, the boy asks if he could bring a friend to which the King and Queen enthusiastically allow. The friend that the boy brings is always an animal such as a giraffe, monkeys, and lions. In the end, instead of the King and Queen inviting the boy and his friend again, the boy says his friends wants the King and Queen to come to them. So they are all seen having tea in the City Zoo.

I like the simplicity of this story. I think kids will be curious about what friend or animal the boy will bring next. It's adorable to see how the King and Queen are so accepting and welcoming to the boy's friends. The ending is nice because students might find it unexpected from the rest of the story.
Classroom application 
It's a good, humorous reading book during story time. I think the little kids will enjoy finding out that all of the boy's friends are animals. The book could also serve as an introduction or addition to teaching dialogue.

De Regniers, B. S., Montresor, B., Atheneum (New York, N.Y.), Reehl Litho Company, & H. Wolff, Inc. (1964). May I bring a friend? (1st ed.). New York: Atheneum.
Genre: Fiction, Picture
Grade level: Kindergarten-1
Caldecott Medal Winner
If interested ➵ Amazon: May I Bring a Friend?

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