No, David!

1:48 PM

Throughout the book, David is constantly being told not to do a certain thing. For example, he's told to "settle down!" when he is jumping on his bed while wearing red cowboy boots and a superhero cape. He's told not to play baseball or bring mud into the house. However, even though he does all these naughty things, the story ends with "Yes, David... I love you!"

I think the pictures are so adorable and funny. I love how I could tell what David is exactly feeling through his facial expressions. There aren't a lot of sentences in this book so I don't think it would be the best book to advance reading skills.
Classroom application 
Since the book is funny, I think students will enjoy reading it during story time. Some students could also relate to the book because they might also be told not to do certain things. However, it's important to highlight the ending where his mom still loves him despite his mischievous acts. 

Shannon, D. (1998). No, david! New York: Blue Sky Press.
Genre: Fiction, Picture
Grade level: Kindergarten
Caldecott Honor
If interested ➵ Amazon: No, David!

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