
2:18 PM

Chrysanthemum has always loved her name. She loved it when someone said it or when it was written on icing. However, her classmates begin teasing Chrysanthemum for her name, even trying to pluck and smell her like a flower. When the loved music teacher, Mrs. Delphinium Twinkle reveals that she likes Chrysanthemum's name, all the other classmates begin to like it too.

I think it's important to address that when her friends were "teasing" her, they were actually bullying her. Chrysanthemum felt bad and uncomfortable whenever they made fun of her name. I also found it funny how all the students ended up liking her name only after a teacher said she liked it. Other than that, I think it's a cute story to teach kids about being confident and accepting of differences. 
Classroom application 
I personally think this book can be used to teach about anti-bullying or how it's not nice to tease others. Students can learn about empathy and compassion through Chrysanthemum's story. It would be great to ask younger age students questions such as "How do you think Chrysanthemum felt when she was getting teased?" 

Henkes, K. (1991). Chrysanthemum. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Picture
Published in: 1991
Grade level: 1-2
If interested  Amazon: Chrysanthemum

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