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The story revolves around Meggie who lives with her dad, Mo. When a guy named Dustfinger comes to visit Mo, Meggie finds out about a book called Inkheart. Inkheart has magical powers that characters in the story can come out into the real world. However, it could also work the opposite: real people can get sucked into the book, which is what happened to her mom. The story then continues to reveal the exciting and bold adventure as Meggie tries to get her mother read out of the book.

Since this is a lengthy book, I recommend it to middle schoolers and early high schoolers. If some elementary students are brave enough to tackle this book, then I think it would be an adventurous book to read. I loved reading Inkheart because it kept you wanting to know more. The idea that people can come out and in of a book is so intriguing. Sometimes I wish I could get sucked into a book, maybe one full of food.
Classroom application 
This could be a great fantasy/science fiction book to have out for students to read during their own time. I think book lovers will enjoy reading about what will happen to Meggie's wife. I even think students who aren't very into books might enjoy reading this kind of book.

Genre: Science Fiction, Series, Fantasy
Published in: 2003
Grade level: Young adult or intermediate 
If interested  Amazon: Inkheart

Funke, C., & Bell, A. (2003). InkheartFrome, Somerset England: Chicken House.

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