The Empty Pot

2:45 PM

 Set in China, the story is about a boy named Ping who loves flowers and can grow anything he plants. The emperor, who also loves flowers, decides to find his successor by issuing a competition to all the children of China. This competition declares that whoever can grow the best plant in a year will be emperor. When it’s time to present the results, every child brings a beautiful flower except for Ping. Ping brings an empty pot because although he tried his best, his seed never grew. However, the emperor reveals that each seed had been cooked, making it impossible to grow. Therefore, due to Ping’s honesty, he is rewarded with the entire kingdom.

I personally enjoyed this book because I also like flowers. In addition, the bright, vivid colors make the pictures appealing to look at. There is also a great moral ending that raises the importance of honesty.
Classroom application 
This book can be used to teach about the significance of honesty. Students can practice and apply their reading skills since there are about one to three sentences.
Demi. (1990). The empty pot (1st ed.). New York: H. Holt.
Genre: Folklore, Historical Fiction
Grade level: 1-3 
If interested ➵ Amazon: The Empty Pot

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